Sunday, November 21, 2010


Yu Qian has managed to:-

1. Represent Penang to Sabah for Malaysia Chinese Speaking Contest and won the 5th place and assisted Penang to win back the overall Champion which the last time Penang won the overall Champion was 19 years ago.梹州首屈部长林冠英更特別頒發200令吉予她。
2. Represent Penang to KL for Malaysia Chinese Story Telling Contest and won the 4th place.
3. Represent Penang to Ipoh for Malaysia Malay Speaking Contest but failed to win any prize.
4. UPSR 7As and consecutively 5 years top 2 in the whole form of SJKC Shang Wu.

不是要 "show off" but just to share.....and hope that she can go even further.....这就是为人父母的希望....pray for best for our 2nd generation.....

Saturday, November 13, 2010


董事長拿督李志煌頒發500令吉予李俞蒨。 谢谢董事長拿督李志煌.

It is a HAPPY Day

It is a HAPPY Day as Yu Qian scored 7As in her UPSR and it is Ah Kong's birthday!