Friday, September 24, 2010

Yu Qian Met Lim Guan Eng

Yu Qian met with the Penang Chief Minister, YAB Tuan Lim Guan Eng and he gave all the prize winning team members RM200 as a reward for assisting Penang to become the Champion team in the National Chinese Speaking and Quiz Competition.

To celebrate Yu Qian completing her UPSR examination and the mid autumn festival, we have a small party.

Mom with her Public Bank colleagues.

Friday, September 10, 2010


俞蒨代表梹州参加全国华语演讲比赛而从14州(13州+吉隆坡)的28位代表中脫熲而出获得第五名, 并協助梹州奪得全场总冠军. 这个全场总冠军已经让梹州等了18年了!
老实说这些28位代表还有那70位笔试代表都是超棒的小孩, 老爸自叹不如. 她也与其他六位梹州代表也建立起深厚的友谊. 这是一次愉快的旅程.