Sunday, May 30, 2010


你看, 妈妈有多高兴呀!

俞蒨近来的运气真的很不错, 她又成功奪得全梹华小华语急智演讲比赛冠军, 并将要代表梹州到沙巴参加全国赛. 全家上下都感到无比的兴奋呀!


俞蒨上 Astro AEC 我来自华小的节目, 她上镜吗?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lee Yu Qian won the Malay Speaking Contest again.

Lee Yu Qian has managed to walk away with the 1st runner up trophy in the Malay Speaking Contest in her distinct and will represent the distinct for the Penang State. The event is organised by the State Education Department.